Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Help

My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

-- Psalm 121:2 (NKJV)

In the first verse of this Psalm, David comments "I will lift up my eyes to the hills", followed by the question "From whence comes my help?". (Psalm 121:1) This is likely a subtle (or not so subtle) mockery of idolatry. Paganism and idol worship were often practiced on hill and mountain tops in those times. But he can't find anything there, because he asks where is his help. So the first verse basically says he looked to the idols, the false gods, for help, but nothing came from them. No help was in sight. This doesn't mean that David himself worshipped idols or other gods. No, on the contrary, he was being sarcastic, deriding those gods as useless.

In verse two, David tells us where he truly turns for assistance: to the Lord Who made heaven and earth, to the one God, the true God. Why look to some impotent false idol for help, when you can seek out the most powerful being in all of creation, the very One who created everything else, the maker of the heavens and the earth? And isn't this still applicable today? If you're looking in a bottle or a syringe or a medicine cabinet to make you feel better, if you are turning to material objects or people with no moral compass for something you are missing, if you are lifting your eyes to the hills filled with false promises and broken dreams, you will never find your help. Look instead to God, the maker of all creation. He will always help.

Father, thank You for giving us a true, faithful, and ready source of help in all our needs and times of despair. Thank You for not failing us when we need You the most. Amen.

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