Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Like a Scarecrow

"Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good."

-- Jeremiah 10:5 (NIV)

Jeremiah repeated the words God spoke to the children of Israel, warning them against the false gods of the people they found themselves living among. The imagery is excellent, if you think of a typical scarecrow. It hangs upon a post in a field. It is intended to represent a living being, to stand in place of something else, rather than live itself. It certainly cannot speak, for it has no voice. It cannot move of its own accord, but must be carried from place to place. There is nothing to fear in it: since it cannot move, it cannot do anything to you. And it really doesn't do much good, because even the birds soon learn not to fear it. No, a scarecrow is nothing more than a fading shadow of a real man.

God is no scarecrow. Not only can He move, He can move the heavens and the earth as well. He is to be feared, but only if we intend harm to His children. Even if we do wrong in His eyes, He is quick to forgive, always ready to accept a child back with open arms. And while He can indeed inflict harm upon those who will not listen, His acts of goodness and kindness are infinite.

What scarecrows have we carried into our fields, brought into our lives? What false gods to we worship? Is making a living more important than living a life of service to God and others? Is a ball game or fishing trip or family outing to the amusement park more important than a Sabbath of rest and worship?

Father, thank You for showing us the true face of the scarecrow, how there is nothing to fear nor to gain from them, that they are a poor substitute. Only You are God. Amen.

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