Monday, June 22, 2009

My Hope is in Him

Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in Him.

-- Psalm 62:5 (NLT)

What do you hope for? A raise? A new car? A bigger house? Getting the kids through college? Finding something to eat tonight?

As King of the Israelites, David was the most powerful man in the land. He could demand any material article or possession he desired. Perhaps this wealth helped him turn his thoughts from physical needs to what he truly needed, to what his eternal soul required.

Especially during the current economic downturn, we too often worry about the present or very near future. We do wonder if we will ever get another raise in salary, a better car, a bigger home. Too many of our brothers and sisters, old and young and everywhere in between, wonder where their next meal will come from. It is so easy to turn our thoughts toward the needs of the flesh when we have needs, perceived or real.

But when those needs are greatest, that is the time to pause and sit silently with God. Talk to Him, pray. Tell Him your worries, your concerns, express your needs and your wants. Examine your heart and see if your desires are for only yourself, or include others in their times of trial. Wait quietly before God. And then turn all those worries and concerns over to Him. When times are tough, we have no greater hope than in God. He is our rock. He is our salvation. In Him we can find strength to carry on. In Him we will find eternal life. And on that day when we sit at our Lord's side, we will no longer know fear or worry or pain or hunger or suffering of any kind.

Father, thank You for listening to our needs, for hearing our cries even as we sit quietly before You in prayer. Your faithfulness endures. All our hope is in You. Amen.

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