Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Treasure Field

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
--Matthew 13:44  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 20, 2013 of Psalm 18:11-20; Matthew 13:44-14:12; Genesis 37-38.

We spend a lot of money on things: new electronics, fancy cars, big houses.  The rarer something is or the greater the demand for it, the more we are willing to pay to acquire it.  If we came across the very best of some precious item that we think will satisfy all our desires, we'll pay any price for it.

Jesus is trying to tell us that the kingdom of heaven is something just like that, of so great a value we should be willing to give up everything and anything to possess it.  We should desire it above all others, be willing to sell all we own just to get it.  Jesus also told the young rich man to sell all he owned, give it to the poor, and follow Him, but he didn't; he couldn't force himself to.  Too often we still place too great a value on our possessions and not enough on heaven and Jesus.  Fortunately for us, Jesus already paid the price for this greatest of treasures.  All we have to do is accept it by our belief.  Amen.

Gracious Father, please help is to see the wonderful treasure You have laid at our feet.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paying the price that we might have that treasure all for our own.  It once was hidden, but now has been exposed to our eyes and our hearts by Your word, O God.  Thank You for this great gift!  In Jesus' glorious name we pray.  Amen.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My God, My Strength

I will love You, O Lord, my strength.  The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
--Psalm 18:1-2  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 19, 2013 of Psalm 18:1-10; Matthew 13:24-43; Genesis 35-36.

My God, my strength, in whom I will trust.  When I feel weak, confused, frustrated, I need only turn to God and suddenly or sometimes subtly I am strengthened and made to feel peace.  When I tire and grow weary of all this uncaring world throws my way, I simply need retreat to my stronghold that is Jesus.  In my Father's arms I can find rest to rebuild my reserves, and strength to face another day.  I put my trust in God because He has done all He has ever promised, and because everything He does is for our betterment.  God can take the most evil acts, and men, and make good come from them to those who love Him and follow His voice.  I trust in God, my Strength and my Redeemer.  Amen.

Almighty God, You are our strength, our one true hope.  In a world that seems intent on beating us down, You provide a place of rest and shelter.  The greatest giants pale in Your shadow.  In You we have all we need.  Thank You, our God, our Strength.    In Jesus' name we pray.  Amen.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Seed by the Wayside

"When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart.  This is he who received seed by the wayside."
--Matthew 13:19  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 18, 2013 of Psalm 17; Matthew 13:1-23; Genesis 32:22-34.

In Jesus' parable of the sower, He describes how different people may react to the word of God.  It follows Isaiah's prophesy that some will hear but will not understand, some will see but will not perceive (please reference Isaiah 6:9-10).  In this case, if someone hears the word but does not understand what they heard, does not "get it", then the seed of God and the Holy Spirit is not planted in their heart and the devil will come along and make them forget what they heard.  The wickedness of the world and all its temptations easily draw them away.  We can counter this by witnessing to them our personal experiences with God, explaining His word and how it impacts us.  Help their ground become fertile, their hearts and minds, and the seed can take root and flourish.  Amen.

Merciful Lord, Please allow our ground to stay fertile that Your word may continue to grow within us.  Please help us till the soil of others, enriching it to receive Your word and Your glory, so that all of us may benefit from Your great grace.  In Jesus' name we pray.  Amen.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Nation Divided

But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."
--Matthew 12:25  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 17, 2013 of Psalm 16; Matthew 12:22-50; Genesis 31:22-32:21.

For many years now, the more liberal in our country have been driving wedges between different groups of people in the United States, dividing them, pitting one against the other.  In this they are doing Satan's work: destroying the greatest protector of the Jewish people, God's chosen.  Jesus warns us our nation cannot long escape desolation if it continues to be divided against itself, that this house of people cannot stand if we continue to strive against each other.  Our national leaders should be working to unite us, not drive us further apart.  Godly men and women must work against these efforts that are being led by Lucifer.  The ones doing this, regardless of political stripe, are no more inherently evil than any other.  It's just that they have fallen sway to the evil one, they have yielded to the temptations of this world rather than follow the path Jesus laid for us.  Jesus knows how Satan will try to drive a wedge between people, trying to draw off as many as possible from our risen Savior.  We need to heed our Lord's warning while there is still time.  Amen.

O Father, I pray we are not too late, that there are still enough righteous people in America that You will stay Your hand from our destruction.  Please forgive those who would divide Your house, who seek after their own gain at the expense of others, who care only for self.  Soften their hearts, please Father, that they might turn from service to the evil one and serve only You.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

"I Desire Mercy"

"But if you had known what this means, 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice', you would not have condemned the guiltless."
--Matthew 12:7  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 16, 2013 of Psalm 15; Matthew 12:1-21; Genesis 30-31:21.

Jesus knew scripture and quoted from it often, sometimes explaining what it meant, other times giving examples.  Here He quoted from Hosea 6:6 to say that if you are merciful, you will not blame, harm, or condemn those who are without guilt just for the sake of expediency or convenience, just to serve your own agenda.  It is interesting that Jesus used the past tense in His accusation, stressing how the Pharisees had indeed condemned the guiltless, in their courts and in their hearts, in the past and even recently, such as accusing Him and His disciples of breaking the Sabbath by plucking some grain to eat as they walked.  But He also knew they would soon condemn Him and nail Him to a cross, the ultimate guiltless One.  Jesus knew what was to come, and tried to tell them all.  But none could understand.  Do we?  Amen.

Lord Jesus, You were the only One ever without sin, the true guiltless One.  You warn us that God desires us to show mercy to one another more than He wants to see sacrifice from us.  You instruct us to love one another as we love ourselves, and mercy is a direct result of love.  If we truly love one another, we will be merciful to one another.  Please help us honor You by showing mercy, especially to those who are without guilt.  In Your dear name, our Jesus we pray.  Amen.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Who Understands?

The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
--Psalm 14:2  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 15, 2013 of Psalm 14; Matthew 11; Genesis 28:10-29.

In this Psalm, David lamented the evilness in man and that if God looked down, all He would see is evil.  Indeed, our Lord does look down, on all of us.  He looks for the righteous, for those who at least try to do right in the eyes of God.  He looks to see if any of us really understand, if we really "get it" that Jesus is Lord and is our only means to salvation.  He looks to see if any of us are seeking Him, looking for Him, growing closer to Him.  He looks for those seeking Him in heart and soul and mind.  He searches for any seeking Him as the Magi did, to praise and glorify Him.  God looks down on us just as He did on Sodom and Gomorrah (please reference the book of Genesis, especially chapters eighteen and nineteen).  How much longer will He be able to find enough righteous people here that we might be spared His wrath?  Amen.

Merciful Father, God of all creation, we pray that You continue to bestow Your grace upon Your children.  Please, Lord, do not turn Your back on us, nor hide us from Your face.  Many still seek You, Lord God.  Many do truly know and understand Jesus as Lord.  Many continue to praise and glorify You and witness to You and to Jesus with all their being.  Please, Father, hold Your mighty wrath in check for a little longer.  In the blessed name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

Monday, April 1, 2013


"Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father who is in heaven."
--Matthew 10:32  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 14, 2013 of Psalm 13; Matthew 10:26-42; Genesis 27-28:9.

To confess the Lord before men is to witness to Jesus to others we encounter.  Jesus wants us to be witnesses, not only to have faith but to share our faith so that others may see Him in us.  It is enough that we believe in Jesus as the risen Christ for our salvation, but what we do with that belief bears directly with how richly we are rewarded, with how well our Lord and God receives us.

I would rather sweep the floors of heaven with a toothbrush than rule as a king in hell.  But Jesus and Paul both speak of the rewards to be garnered and distributed in heaven depending upon our actions here on earth.  The thing is, if you truly love Jesus and you're grateful for the sacrifice He made for you, you will want to do good works for His sake.

Is there something very special about you or your life that others can easily see Christ Jesus in you?  If not, and even if so, you can happily and eagerly share just what Jesus means to you with others, and in that way they may see Jesus at work within you.  Confess Jesus before your fellow man, and He will witness to you before God Almighty.  Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, we pray that others might see You when they look at us, that they might see Your life reflected in ours.  Please give us the courage to witness Your amazing works in our life to all others we meet.  Please let them see You at work within us.  In Your wonderful name, Christ Jesus, we pray.  Amen.