Monday, February 25, 2013

In the Morning

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord!  In the morning I will direct it to You.  And I will look up.
--Psalm 5:3  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 5, 2013 of Psalm 5; Matthew 5:1-20; Genesis 9-10.

I've never been a "morning person", being stronger, better, more alert, more focused in the evenings.  But I have been trying to remember to thank the Lord when I awaken, or shortly thereafter, to praise Him and rejoice in the new day, another fresh start He has given me.  Just as God gave us all a fresh start when He sent His Son to us, that if we only believe in Him we will have eternal life.  Just as He gives us a new chance each time we confess our sins, seek His forgiveness, and turn from that wicked way, each new day offer a chance for a new beginning, another step in our walk with Jesus.

Just as David knew, if I lift my voice of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord each day, He fills me anew with His Holy Spirit until I overflow, allowing me to share God's gift to others.  If I look up, I lift my face to the Lord, and my voice will be directed to Him, just as David says.  Good things come from starting off the day right!  Praise the Lord!

Father God and Jesus His Son, thank You so much for giving us second chance after second chance.  Thank You for each new day and the opportunity to praise You, to lift our faces and our voices to You, to speak Your holy name and proclaim You to all the nations.  In the blessed name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

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