Sunday, March 10, 2013

Feeding the Dogs

"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."
--Matthew 7:6  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 8, 2013 of Psalm 8; Matthew 6:19-7:6; Genesis 16-18:15.

I often see or hear someone say the second part of this phrase, about not casting pearls before swine, but seldom the first part.  Until this reading, I didn't even remember this lead in to the more familiar admonition.  Yet this former injunction definitely has significance, even lacking the cautions of the latter such as being trampled underfoot or torn to shreds.  Dogs, while much beloved in our society and even treated like family, have never been looked upon too highly in the Middle East.  Giving them something to eat that had previously been set aside as holy would be considered a grave sacrilege.

But ignoring for a moment how the people in Matthew's time may have viewed our four-legged friends, think about how a dog normally eats.  They quickly gulp down their food, as if in fear of it disappearing or some other beast taking it away from them.  They don't care what it was made of, what the can or bag contained, as long as it came out of our hands and landed anywhere near them.  There is no way they can taste what they are eating, much less savor those meaty flavors.  Compare that mental image with trying to share God's holy word, our daily bread, with someone who doesn't take the time to savor it, to think about it, to digest it, to ponder on it and dig deeper into it.  Instead, they just wolf the scripture we lay before them down in one gulp, almost as if to get it over with quickly so they can get on about their more important business.  Jesus is saying if they won't take the time to savor God's meal, if they don't care about the content, don't waste your time and breath.

Lord Jesus, we know You are ever forgiving of us and love us so much and want us to hear God's word and let it work in our lives.  We know You want all this for us.  But You know some people will never come to You, will never acknowledge You as Lord and Savior.  You know that no matter what wonderful holy morsels we may feed them, no matter what pearls of scripture we may throw at them, their hearts will ever be hard and they will not see the true Way.  We pray that we may not become like them, dear Lord.  Forgive them, Father, and have mercy on them.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

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